Law you will understand
We are not only a law firm, but also a partner for whom your business is the priority.
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Principles of our work
We return certainty to the world of the law. We translate complex
terms into a language you can easily understand. With us, the law will never be too complicated for you.
We build long-term relationships with our partners and understand their business. This allows us to provide practical and high-quality solutions at the right time.
I have been cooperating with GT Legal's lawyers for a long time and to my utmost satisfaction. In addition to providing highly professional work, they have a great approach to their clients and an extraordinary ability to explain everything clearly.
GT Legal is an important partner of our business. There is a great amount of erudition behind their work, which never slips into obscurity. They explain everything to us non-lawyers clearly, suggest alternatives and lay out the risks.
Thanks to GT Legal we can focus on the growth of our company with the certainty that our legal affairs will be looked after. I especially appreciate their reliability and knowledge that goes far beyond the Czech environment.
For me, working with GT Legal means receiving a level of service that others in the Czech Republic could stand to learn from. They communicate complex and opaque legal concepts in a way I can easily and quickly understand. What I appreciate most is that in the course of our cooperation we have moved from being business partners to friends.
In addition to flawless professional work, I especially appreciate GT Legal's highly individual approach and flexibility. They respond immediately to all our requests and address every problem. Even complex legal issues are explained clearly and practical solutions are suggested.
People you will work with
What is new in law and our law firm?
For the second year in a row, our law firm has been included in the
prestigious Chambers Europe Legal Guide. Our partner, Veronika Odrobinová, was
awarded in the category of individual lawyers. She is even celebrating a
jubilee in this respect, as she can enjoy the award for the tenth time!
Je možné kamerový záznam o
průjezdu vozidla oprávněně použít jako důkaz pro účely daňového řízení? To je
otázka, kterou se zabýval Nejvyšší správní soud ve svém nedávném rozsudku 9 Afs
Act No. 37/2021 Coll., on the registration of beneficial owners ("UBO Act") will have its first anniversary on 1 June 2022. However, changes to the Act are expected as early as this autumn. The Government's draft law responds to the ongoing proceedings brought by the European Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission") against the Czech Republic for non-compliance with its obligations resulting from incorrect implementation of the so-called V. AML Directive (hereinafter referred to as the "Directive"). By amending the UBO Act, the Commission made the amendment to the UBO Act a prerequisite for drawing funds under the National Recovery Plan. As the application under this programme must be submitted in the third quarter of this year at the latest, the Government proposes that the Chamber of Deputies give its consent to the draft law at the first reading.
Veřejný ochránce práv se v minulém roce zabýval výzkumem na téma Občané Evropské unie v České republice, jehož výsledky a na ně reagující doporučení ombudsmana byly zveřejněny v listopadu 2021. Průzkum zjistil, že téměř třetina (31 %) občanů Evropské unie pracujících v České republice zapojených do výzkumu se cítila být v rámci svého pracovního života diskriminována z důvodu své státní příslušnosti nebo národnosti. Nejčastěji se cítí občané Evropské unie diskriminováni v oblastech odměňování, přidělování práce a při hledání práce. Znevýhodnění v oblasti práce je výrazně vyšší u níže kvalifikovaných zaměstnanců a u zaměstnanců pracujících pro agentury práce.
The possibility of
identification of a person by the police is generally regulated by the
provisions of Section 63 of the Czech Police Act. In everyday life, most people
usually present their identity card on request, without inquiring further into
the reason or contesting the request. Some even believe that the police can
identify anyone, at any time and without any reason at all. However, the
opposite is true. Even this process has its clear rules. The Constitutional
Court of the Czech Republic, for example, dealt with this process in more
detail in its decision under Case No. II.ÚS 1022/21.
On the 1st of January 2021, an amendment to the Business
Corporations Act came into force, which brought fundamental
changes in corporate law. This article presents the practical implications of
one of them, concerning the condition of approval of the transfer or pledge of
the plant and part of the assets by the general meeting of the company. In which cases and
whose approval is needed?
If the controlling person uses its influence in such a way that the position of the shareholders of the controlled person is substantially worsened or the legitimate interests of the controlled person are otherwise substantially harmed, and such shareholders can no longer be fairly required to remain in the controlled person, the shareholders have the right to demand the purchase of their shares at a reasonable price (right of redemption).
On the 1st of June 2021, the discussed Act No. 37/2021 Coll., on the registration of beneficial owners and the related partsof the amendment to Act No. 253/2018 Coll., on Certain Measures against the Legalization of Proceeds of Crime and Terrorist Financing, as amended will come into force.
We encounter whistleblowing more often than one might think. Think of Al Pacino in the movie Serpico, where he played a cop who refused to adopt his colleagues' practice of taking bribes from New York criminals. But it is not just the subject of famous Hollywood films like Serpico or the equally popular Erin Brockovich, but also media-famous cases like the Panama Papers or Cambridge Analytica. Even covid-19 has become more widely known thanks to a Chinese doctor and whistleblower Li Wen-liang.
Are you planning an enter of an investor from a
country outside the EU or are you already negotiating with him? In such case
you will be interested in the new law on the examination of foreign
investments, which will come into force on May 1, 2021 and applies to all
investments that have not been completed by that date. Therefore, even if you
already have a signed contract, but you are waiting for the conditions
precedent to be met, the new law may affect you.
We are
thrilled to announce that Veronika Odrobinová achieved further success in the labor
law field! Veronika was included in the prestigious ranking compiled by the
international rating agency Chambers Europe. We are incredibly proud that the GT
Legal team consists of experts who are appreciated not only by renowned
agencies and companies, but especially by clients.
The novelization which takes into force on the 1 of January to the Commercial Companies and Cooperatives Act No. 90/2012 Coll., changed the rules for voting per rollam. Given the current situation, where in-presence general meetings are rather an exception, it is certainly good news that some ambiguities have been removed and the practical functioning of this type of decision-making has been improved. Below we will describe in more detail how per rollam decision-making will work in a limited liability company.
A positive novelty this year
in the world of law and digital technologies is the banking identity. In this
article, we will discuss what a bank identity is and where is it useful.
The news and magazines cover pages are filled with a common theme these days – Covid-19 vaccination. It brings some interesting lawrelated questions. What are the legal boundaries of making the vaccination mandatory? Is it discriminating to differ between the vaccinated and unvaccinated parts of the population?
to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is still ordered to decline all the visa
and temporary or permanent residence applications on Czech embassies in foreign
countries. There are only a few exemptions set from this rule. This situation
makes it incredibly difficult for employers to carry out their plans for hiring
new employees from abroad who usually need an employee card that entitles them
to reside in the territory of the Czech Republic and to do the job for which
the employee card was issued.
In practice we recently meet with problem that
some of Trade Licensing Registers conclude that the “clean criminal record” is
condition for pursuing a trade not just for a natural person but
also for legal person. In this article we summarize why this conclusion is incorrect
and we also briefly discuss other questions connect to innocence of legal
person and its trade licence.
On the
first of January 2021, the Novelization (No. 33/2020 Coll.) to the Business
Corporations Act (No. 90/2012 Coll.) entered into force. One of the areas
mainly affected by the novelization is the exercise of rights of the
shareholders on the general meetings of business corporations.
In the tax package for year 2021 we can find
novelty – so called “meal allowance”. The law passed the third lecture in the
Chamber of Deputies and according to surveys, employees and employers also
support it. If the Senate votes in favour of this law and in this case is
presumable, we will have a new tool which will be advantageous to employers and
On 14 October 2020, the government of the Czech Republic approved changes in the Antivirus Program - extension of the period of eligibility of expenditures in scheme A and further introduction of scheme A Plus with a higher contribution. On 26 October 2020, the government followed up on the above changes and approved an extension of the eligibility of expenditure for scheme B. Under which schemes is therefore possible to apply for support as of 3 November 2020?
A novelization of the Business Corporations Act will enter into force on
01.01.2021. This novelization
brings not only a variety of changes but new obligations for entrepreneurs as
well. What should you watch out for?
September 18th, 2020 the Minister of Health approved the new Health
Ministry Protective Measure which defines rules for entering the Czech Republic
up to Monday September 21th, 2020 until further notice. This
measure adopts orders and restrictions from previous measures and there are
minimal changes. However, we can see the effort to make the system more
effective than system in spring or summer, especially creating of an electronic
incoming form.
Although, it could seems that Public
Procurement Law adjusts so called „in-house“ exception, which entitles
contracting authority to not act under a regime of law quite unequivocally, in
this case, in practice is not so clear. We can demonstrate it on actual
decision of the Office for the Protection of Competition
in case of town Dobříš. So, it is appropriate to summarize conditions for in-house exception regard to
this decision.
Arrangement of contractual penalty. It is a traditional security institute, which is quite common in practice, the scale of possibilities in practice is varied. It is used in acquisition agreements, not only to secure fulfilment of important duties but also for realisation of demands due to violation of representations and warranties, but also as i.e. a reverse breakup fee which is described in detail in this article. Reverse breakup fee is used as generalized compensatory damages in the case of the premature termination of transaction.
In connection with
spreading of coronavirus titled as SARS CoV-2, many employers are persuaded to
deal with existential problems. One of methods, how to deal with crisis, is to
make radical cuts, including redundancy. In this situation employers terminate employment
for organisation reasons.
The law firm GT Legal in cooperation with the advisory group Grant Thornton represented Dopravní podnik Ostrava a.s. in the organization of the tender for the buyer of its 100% stake in EKOVA ELECTRIC a.s. and the subsequent sale of this stake to ŠKODA TRANSPORTATION a.s.
Since the entry into force of Act No. 89/2012 Coll.,
Civil Code, as amended, a number of lawyers have considered this issue. On 10 March
2020, the Supreme Court issued a decision file no. No. 21 Cdo 710/2019, in
which the court outlined that in a situation where there is no right to
compensation under the Labour Code, a right to compensation under the Civil
Code can exist.
Although blanket obligation to
wear respiratory protecting equipment, which were adopted by emergency
measures of the Czech Government and the Ministry of Health, does not last
anymore with a few exceptions, some employers still demand wearing of masks in
the workplace from employees. What is their legal reason?
We are proud to announce that Veronika
Odrobinová has been ranked by Chambers Europe 2020 in Employment section with
Band 2.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, debtors may have some difficulties repaying their monetary debts. Act No. 177/2020 Coll. On certain credit repayment measures with effect from 17 April 2020 reacts to that.
After the approval of the targeted “Antivirus” Programme for Support of Employment, another act has been approved, which reduces the economic impact caused by the COVID-19 disease. It is the act on compensation bonus in relation to the emergency measures related to the occurrence of the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus. The act took effect on 14 April 2020 by publication in the Collection of Laws.
Do you use templates that you have not updated for many years or templates from the Internet while preparing employment contracts? Do you want to change it and prepare really good templates?In this case, you are cordially invited to the seminar "How to write an employment contract" led by a partner of our law firm Veronika Odrobinová.
Given the current situation on the Czech labor market, where we have been struggling for a long time with unemployment at the level of historical lows and the resulting shortage of labor, it is not surprising that employers often resort to employing foreigners from third countries. For their employment, however, it is necessary that these foreigners have the necessary residence and work permits or fall under one of the exceptions allowing their employment without a work permit. One of the exceptions is e.g. residence in the Czech Republic for the purpose of family cohabitation according to Section 98 letter l) of the Employment Act. However, what is the situation if a foreigner has a long-term visa or stay for family purposes?
This year, Act No. 39/2020 Coll., On Real Estate Mediation and on amendments to related acts (the Real Estate Mediation Act) will enter into force, which newly regulates in particular the obligations of real estate agents.
Do you work in the field of HR and would you like to expand your knowledge in the field of GDPR?Do you have any questions about GDPR that you want to know the answer to?Then you are cordially invited to the seminar "GDPR for HR - practical experience"!
We are happy to announce that we have joined international legal network, Globalaw, one of the most prestigious independent global legal networks. Globalaw numbers more than 95 firms in 85 different jurisdictions. In aggregate, Globalaw has over 4,500 lawyers in over 165 cities.
GT Legal, advokátní kancelář, s.r.o
Pujmanové 1753/10a
14000 Prague
ID. No. 084 64 715
File No. C 319356
maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague
Pujmanové 1753/10a, 14000 Prague
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 18:00