Do you work in
the field of HR and would you like to expand your knowledge in the field of
GDPR? Do you have any questions about GDPR that you want to know the
answer to? Do you know the statutory regulation of the GDPR, but need advice on
how to apply it in practice?
Then you are
cordially invited to the seminar "GDPR for HR - practical
The seminar
will take place on March 9, 2020 in the premises of SMOSK (K Centrum) on
Senovážné náměstí 23 in Prague from 9.00 to 14:00 under the auspices of the VOX
agency. Veronika Odrobinová, a partner of our law firm, will give a lecture at
The seminar
will focus not only on the legal aspects of GDPR, but especially on the
practical impact of GDPR on the daily practice of human resources. Of course,
there will also be an outline of practical possibilities of procedures and
solutions that you can apply in your work.
Programme of
the seminar:
- News
in the field of personal data in 2020.
- Implementing
law on the processing of personal data and other sources of law and
- Obligations
towards personal data subjects, keeping mandatory records and practical
- Basic
principles of legislation.
- Technical
measures necessary to compliance with the GDPR.
- Obligations
of administrators and processors in the field of security, processing and
required technical and organizational measures.
- Recommendations
and practical experience regarding the procedure according to the GDPR
depending on the scope and riskiness of the processed personal data.
- Practical
impacts in the field of employee monitoring (CCTV, GPS, emails, etc.) and the
development of practice.
- Practical
implications for attendance and payroll systems and practice development.
- Contracts
with processors - occupational health care, personnel agencies.
- Personal
files and GDPR.
- Trade
unions and GDPR.
If you are interested in the seminar, you can register for it here: