On the
first of January 2021, the Novelization (No. 33/2020 Coll.) to the Business
Corporations Act (No. 90/2012 Coll.) entered into force. One of the areas
mainly affected by the novelization is the exercise of rights of the
shareholders on the general meetings of business corporations.
The validity of resolutions approved by the general meeting and the objections to them
It is
from now on required from the shareholders to file an objection to invalidate
the resolution of a general meeting. It was not clear from the past regulation
if the shareholder must justify his objections. It was also unclear whether the
exception to the restriction on the right to object to the invalidity of a
resolution of the General Meeting for shareholders absent from the General
Meeting opens the possibility for them to object to invalidity for any reason. Both
these uncertainties were solved by the ruling of the Supreme court and reflected
in the novelization.
From now
on the objection must be justified. The goal of this change is not to put a
burden on the shareholders backs, a short and concise description of the
circumstances due to which the shareholder considers the resolution of the
general meeting invalid (e.g., the general meeting did not have a quorum). The
shareholder does not have to ask for the objection to be included in the
minutes, the minute taker must include it without further ado. The shareholder
can, therefore, raise the question of the invalidity of the resolution even if
the objection is not mentioned in the minutes. In such a case, we strongly
recommend ensuring a witness testimony of one of the other participants of the
general meeting.
The right
to object to the invalidity of the resolution of the General Meeting remains with
the shareholder, even if he could not file the objection for a serious reason. Such
a situation might be when the shareholder did not get invited to the general
meeting at all. The novelization also allows the shareholders to exclude the
obligation to object from the Articles of association. If this happens, the
shareholders may object to the invalidity of the resolution of the general
meeting without having to file an objection.
Third parties at general meetings
current legislation does not allow another person to be present at the general
meeting with the shareholders unless such a possibility is reserved in the
articles of association or is authorized by an ad hoc resolution.[2] From now on the shareholders will
have an option of being accompanied by a third party if the articles of association
do not exclude or modify such an option. For limited liability companies that
were established before 1 January 2021 and whose articles of association do not
regulate the presence of other persons at general meetings, the new wording of
the law will not apply until 1 January 2023, so that these companies have
enough time to amend the articles of association.
to the novelization, the third-party accompanying the shareholder is bound by
the same rule of confidentiality as the shareholder. This confidentiality can
be ensured, for example, by an agreement between the shareholder and the
person, or with the company itself. If the person is by law bound by confidentiality,
it will be sufficient to prove just that he is such a person. That could be a
tax advisor or a lawyer for example.
Voting rights, submission of proposals and counterproposals
novelization changes the voting rights. It will now be possible to create
shares without voting rights. There must always be at least one share connected
to the voting right. In the case of joint-stock companies, it will also be
possible to issue shares without voting rights, provided that their volume does
not exceed 90% of the company's share registered capital. In the event of a
decision to change the type of shares into non-voting shares, such a decision
shall be subject to the consent of all shareholders concerned. However, shares that
do not have a right to a share in the profits or a right to a share in the
liquidation balance cannot have their voting rights revoked.
The novelization
also introduces the possibility to limit the shareholder's voting right for
important reasons stated in the articles of association. This change derives
from the possibility of issuing shares without the right to vote. This may be
the case, for example, when a vote is taken to adopt a resolution approving the
transfer of a shareholder's share. Similarly, it is possible to define
restrictions on the voting rights of shareholders in the articles of
association of a joint-stock company. In addition, the novelization extends in
certain cases the restrictions on the exercise of voting rights by limited
liability companies also to shareholders who act alike with a shareholder who
cannot exercise the right to vote.[3]
who do not participate in the General Meeting will no longer be able to
exercise their voting right after the novelization unless they agree on a
different arrangement in the Articles of Association. Until now, shareholders
who were not present at the General Meeting could additionally exercise their
voting right in a written form within 7 days from the General Meeting. They
were thus favored over other shareholders, and this provision was a reason for
many problems in practice.[4] From now on, the shareholders will only have the opportunity to
express their consent to the resolution of the General Meeting regarding
changes to the articles of association, which will interfere with their rights and
to the current regulation, the shareholders submitted proposals and counterproposals
before the General Meeting. The complicated and rather confusing Act was the
target of criticism, so the novelization simplified it. The second paragraph of
section 362 ZOK was deleted, which clarified that proposals and
counterproposals may be made by shareholders during the General Meeting itself,
and not only in advance. After the novelization, the (counter) proposals do not
have to be justified, however, this may reduce the chance of their acceptance.
novelization introduces significant changes to the rights of shareholders. Probably
the biggest changes concern voting rights, it is now possible to create shares
without voting rights, the novelization gives the possibility to define in the
articles of association and articles of association the reasons why a
shareholder cannot vote and deprives shareholders who do not attend the general
meeting to vote additionally. Other changes concern in particular the
participation of third parties in general meetings and the raising of (counter)
proposals. Other changes concern the participation of third parties in general
meetings and the raising of (counter) proposals. Overall, the legislator aims
for simplification, the incorporation of some case law conclusions, and the
removal of redundant provisions.
The Article has been published at © EPRAVO.CZ.