Arrangement of contractual penalty. It is a traditional
security institute, which is quite common in practice, the scale of
possibilities in practice is varied. It is used in acquisition agreements, not
only to secure fulfilment of important duties but also for realisation of
demands due to violation of representations and warranties, but also as i.e. a reverse
breakup fee which is described in detail in this article. Reverse breakup fee
is used as generalized compensatory damages in the case of the premature
termination of transaction. The reverse breakup fee is usually paid by buyer who
caused that the transaction wasn't concluded
in conformity with acquisition agreement, so the transaction was terminated due
to trigger event or buyer' s backing out. [1] Is
the reverse breakup fee according to Czech law a contractual penalty or it is a
different legal institute? And what can be the impact for contractual parties?
Reverse breakup as contractual penalty
According to law, contractual parties can arrange a contractual penalty in
case of violation of an obligation. The agreement imposing an obligation to pay
in case of an event, which is not a violation of a contractual duty, so is not
a contractual penalty under Section 2048 et seq. of Law No. 89/2012 Coll. Civil
Code (hereinafter “Civil Code”).
In accordance with judicial practice according to old Civil Code was
problematic to agree on a duty to pay the other party a sum of money just in
case of backing out of contract, for example – reverse breakup fee.
The Supreme court in his judicial practice has an opinion that a
contractual penalty can be arranged just in case of a violence of duty, but for
example backing out of the contract based on law or on arrangement of parties
is an, exercise of the right of party so it can't be violence of duty.[2]
The Supreme Court in his decisions also said that it is impossible to
connect a duty to pay a contractual payment with two conditions (in case of
paying the reverse breakup fee by debtor who violent of duty or backing out by
creditor).[3] The
contractual penalty is possible to arrange just without any condition. [4]
Reverse breakup fee as an innominate term
Despite the practice of court, the reverse breakup fee is used in
transactions on regular basis. Although, we come to a conclusion, that the
breakup fee is not a contractual penalty, in view of the fact that in the
explanatory memorandum of the Civil Code and the principle of freedom of
choice, this arrangement can't be a priori excluded. If parties arrange that
the debtor pay some money to creditor in case that it will happened a situation
different from breaching of some contractual duty, it won't be a contractual
penalty but it will be valid provision which could be examined as compensation
or innominate term, it depends on situation.[5]
In view of the fact that the party which has a duty to pay a reverse
breakup fee is not the party who back out of the deal, it can't be a breakup
fee. Because of this, it is necessary to think about reverse breakup fee as
innominate term. In this case, there is a question – Does arrangement of
reverse breakup fee as an innominate term exclude an option of moderation of an
excessive penalty? Or more precisely, the height of reverse breakup fee is not
limited? We think that, in this case the possibility of moderation of the
excessive reverse breakup fee by court would be excluded, because the law deals
just with moderation of excessive contractual penalty, but it doesn't mean that
the height is actually not limited. In each case, it is necessary to examinate
conformity with principles of morality.
Admission of the conditioned contractual penalty by the Supreme Court
In the decision of the Supreme court from the 30th
of October 2019, file No. 23 Cdo 1192/2019, The Supreme Court concludes
inapplicability of conclusions of the judication about inadmissibility of
conditioned contractual penalty in interpretation of provision about
contractual penalty according to Civil Code. An appellant in her appeal argued
that the origin of the right to contractual penalty which was linked to
violation of the contractual duty is also conditioned by backing out of
contract by party who didn't violate the contract, it is not forbidden.
The Supreme Court agreed with this argumentation and said that this
agreement of contractual parties can't be considered as extensive and out of
limit definition in the Civil Code.
The decision of Supreme Court from the 30th of October 2019, file No. 23 Cdo 1192/2019, has an impact on the interpretation of the reverse breakup fee as generalized transaction compensatory damages. In view of the fact that cumulation of violation of duty of the debtor and simultaneously the creditor's backing out of the deal, the reverse breakup fee can be regarded as contractual penalty. In view of this fact that can be concluded that the reverse breakup fee is common institute in transactions in the Czech law system and also we can conclude that arrangement of reverse breakup fee could be moderated by court as expropriate contractual penalty.
[1] I.
Barabáš – Smluvní pokuta v kontextu podnikových transakcí, Časopis Všehrd
2012 (journal)
[5] Memorandum of the Civil Code