Invitation to the seminar "How to write an employment contract"

Do you use templates that you have not updated for many years or templates from the Internet while preparing employment contracts? Do you want to change it and prepare really good templates?

In this case, you are cordially invited to the seminar "How to write an employment contract" led by a partner of our law firm Veronika Odrobinová.

The seminar will take place on March 26, 2020 in the premises of Fučík & partners at Klimentská 1207/10, Prague 1 from 9.00 to 12:00.

The aim of the seminar will be to clearly explain what the employment contract should contain and what, on the contrary, it is not appropriate to state in it. Everything will be illustrated with practical examples. The most common mistakes of employers will be solved, and it will be explained why not to make them. The process of concluding an employment contract and what mistakes the employer may make during it will also be explained.

Seminar program:

  • Essentials of the employment contract.
  • Conditions in the employment contract.
  • Test time.
  • Definite time and how to set it.
  • Assumptions and requirements for employees.
  • How to arrange a place of work, business trips and a regular workplace.
  • What needs to be adjusted in relation to working hours.
  • How to address in detail the employee's responsibilities.
  • How to adjust remuneration correctly.
  • Competition clause and unfair competition.
  • Duty of confidentiality.
  • Protection of personal data and its regulation in the employment contract.
  • What to address in the employment contract in connection with the termination of employment.
  • Employee recallability.

If you are interested in the seminar, you can register for it here: